Freenet is a platform for censorship-resistant communication and publishing. It is peer-to-peer software which provides a distributed, encrypted, decentralized datastore. Websites and applications providing things like forums and chat are built on top of it.
Fred stands for Freenet REference Daemon.
We've included the Gradle Wrapper as recommended by the Gradle project. If you trust the version we've committed you can build immediately:
POSIX / Windows PowerShell:
$ ./gradlew jar
Windows cmd:
> gradlew jar
We've configured it to verify the checksum
of the archive it downloads from
Run Tests
To run all unit tests, use
./gradlew --parallel test
You can run specifics tests with a test filter similar to the following:
./gradlew --parallel test --tests *M3UFilterTest
TODO: how to run integration tests.
Run your changes as node
To test your version of Freenet, build it with ,./gradlew jar, stop your node, replace
freenet.jarin your Freenet directory with
build/libs/freenet.jar`, and start your node again.
To override values set in build.gradle
put them into the file
in the format variable = value
. For instance:
org.gradle.parallel = true
org.gradle.daemon = true
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xms256m -Xmx1024m
tasks.withType(Test) {
maxParallelForks = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors()
See our contributor guidelines.
Freenet is under the GPL, version 2 or later - see LICENSE.Freenet. We use some code under the Apache license version 2 (mostly apache commons stuff), and some modified BSD code (Mantissa). All of which is compatible with the GPL, although arguably ASL2 is only compatible with GPL3. Some plugins are GPL3.