

11 Feb 2020Last Commit1830 (642/yr)Github Stars73Issues

Live demo avilable here. User is demo, password is demo1234.

Currently the project is in very early stages, so run it only for the sake of checking it out.

Short term:

Longer term, i.e. haven't thought much about them

Ownphotos comes with separate backend and frontend servers. The backend serves the restful API, and the frontend serves, well, the frontend. They are connected via a proxy. The easiest way to do it is using Docker.

If you want the backend server to be reachable by and the frontend by from outside. You must account for the corsaCross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in your proxy.


22 May 2020Last Commit613 (67/yr)Github Stars65Issues

Sigal is yet another simple static gallery generator. It's written in Python and it allows to build a static gallery of images with the following features:

The idea behind Sigal is to ease the use of the javascript libraries like galleria. These libraries do a great job to display the images, Sigal does what is missing: resize images, create thumbnails, generate HTML pages.

Sigal is compatible with Python 3.5+.

Links :

Sigal comes with three themes, based on the colorbox, galleria and photoswipe Javascript libraries:


03 May 2020Last Commit377 (117/yr)Github Stars58Issues

This is a photo management application based on web technologies. Run it on your home server and it will let you find what you want from your photo collection using any device. Smart filtering is made possible automatically by object recognition, location awareness, color analysis and other algorithms.

This project is currently in development and not feature complete for a version 1.0 yet. If you don't mind putting up with broken parts or want to help out, run the Docker image and give it a go. I'd love for other contributors to get involved.


20 May 2020Last Commit202 (98/yr)Github Stars10Issues

XBackBone is a simple, self-hosted, lightweight PHP file manager that support the instant sharing tool ShareX and *NIX systems. It supports uploading and displaying images, GIF, video, code, formatted text, and file downloading and uploading. Also have a web UI with multi user management, past uploads history and search support.

All the installations, configuration, and usage instructions are available in the GitHub Pages:

XBackBone Documentation

This software is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0, available in this repository. As a "copyright notice" it is sufficient to keep the small footer at the bottom of the page, also to help other people to learn about this project!


24 May 2020Last Commit194 (108/yr)Github Stars64Issues

I was using the version 3, how do I upgrade to version 4? See Upgrade »

To find out what's changed, see the changelog ».

Since the 1st of April 2018 this project has moved to it's own Organisation ( where people are able to submit their fixes to it. We, the Organisation owners, want to thank electerious (Tobias Reich) for the opportunity to make this project live on.

Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely. Read more on our website.


23 Oct 2019Last Commit180 (19/yr)Github Stars9Issues

Created by, Chris Kankiewicz

UberGallery is an easy to use, simple to manage, web photo gallery written in PHP and distributed under the MIT License. UberGallery does not require a database and supports JPEG, GIF and PNG file types. Simply upload your images and UberGallery will automatically generate thumbnails and output standards compliant XHTML markup on the fly.

Like this project? Want to keep it free? Make a donation.

UberGallery requires PHP 5.2+ and the PHP-GD image library to work properly. For more information on PHP and the PHP-GD image library, please visit