Installation Instructions
Docker Image by dwaaan
A self-hosted drag-and-drop file conversion server that supports 59x file formats.
Supported Formats
Audio Formats
Supports specific bitrate through the API.
- Mp2
- Mp3
- Avi
- Flac
- Ogg
- Wav
- Wma
Video Formats
- 3gp
- Mkv
- Avi
- Mp4
- Flv
- Mpeg
- Wmv
- Mov
Document Formats
- Doc
- Docx
- Txt
- Rtf
- Odf
Spreadsheet Formats
- Xls
- Xlsx
- Ods
Presentation Formats
- Pages
- Pptx
- Ppt
- Xps
- Pot
- Potx
- Ppa
- Ppt
- Pptx
- Odp
Archive Formats
Can create, convert, and dearchive any of the following...
- Zip
- Rar
- Tar
- 7z
Disk Image Formats
Can extract any of the following or convert to supported archive formats...
- Iso
- Vhd
- Vdi
Image Formats
Supports resize & rotate through the GUI and API. Supports disable maintain aspect ratio through API.
- Jpg
- Jpeg
- Png
- Bmp
- Gif
3D Model Formats
- 3ds
- Obj
- Collada
- Off
- Ply
- Stl
- Ptx
- Dxf
- U3d
- Vrml
Drawing Files
Can output drawing files to image formats. Can convert between any of the following...
- Svg
- Dxf
- Fig
- Vdx
OCR Support
OCR Operations support the following input formats...
- Jpg
- Jpeg
- Png
- Bmp
- Gif OCR Operations support the following output formats...
- Doc
- Docx
- Txt
- Rtf
- Odf