software development


22 May 2020Last Commit34360 (5469/yr)Github Stars668Issues

The Gogs (/gɑgz/) project aims to build a simple, stable and extensible self-hosted Git service that can be setup in the most painless way. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across ALL platforms that Go supports, including Linux, macOS, Windows and ARM.

Make sure you install the prerequisites first.

There are 6 ways to install Gogs:

This project is under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for the full license text.


22 May 2020Last Commit31332 (25283/yr)Github Stars97Issues

Run VS Code on any machine anywhere and access it in the browser.

For a full setup and walkthrough, please see ./doc/

We recommend installing with yarn or npm if we don't have a precompiled release for your machine's platform or architecture or your glibc < v2.19.

note: Installing via yarn or npm builds native modules on install and so requires C dependencies. See ./doc/ for installing these dependencies.

You will need at least node v12 installed. See #1633.

We publish self contained .tar.gz archives for every release on github. They bundle the node binary and node_modules.


23 May 2020Last Commit25795 (4676/yr)Github Stars375Issues

Kong is a cloud-native, fast, scalable, and distributed Microservice Abstraction Layer (also known as an API Gateway or API Middleware). Made available as an open-source project in 2015, its core values are high performance and extensibility.

Actively maintained, Kong is widely used in production at companies ranging from startups to Global 5000 as well as government organizations.

Installation | Documentation | Forum | Blog | IRC (freenode): #kong | Nightly Builds

If you are building for the web, mobile, or IoT (Internet of Things) you will likely end up needing common functionality to run your actual software. Kong can help by acting as a gateway (or a sidecar) for microservices requests while providing load balancing, logging, authentication, rate-limiting, transformations, and more through plugins.


23 May 2020Last Commit24613 (6879/yr)Github Stars253Issues

LocalStack provides an easy-to-use test/mocking framework for developing Cloud applications.

Currently, the focus is primarily on supporting the AWS cloud stack.

LocalStack spins up the following core Cloud APIs on your local machine.

Note: Starting with version 0.11.0, all APIs are exposed via a single edge service, which is accessible on http://localhost:4566 by default (customizable via EDGE_PORT, see further below). The API-specific endpoints below are still left for backwards-compatibility, but may get removed in a future release - please reconfigure your client SDKs to start using the single edge endpoint URL!


24 May 2020Last Commit19813 (5563/yr)Github Stars1430Issues

The goal of this project is to make the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. Using Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across all platforms which Go supports, including Linux, macOS, and Windows on x86, amd64, ARM and PowerPC architectures. Want to try it before doing anything else? Do it with the online demo! This project has been forked from Gogs since 2016.11 but changed a lot.

From the root of the source tree, run:


18 May 2020Last Commit17636 (5155/yr)Github Stars71Issues

OpenFaaS® makes it easy for developers to deploy event-driven functions and microservices to Kubernetes without repetitive, boiler-plate coding. Package your code or an existing binary in a Docker image to get a highly scalable endpoint with auto-scaling and metrics.


Want to dig deeper into OpenFaaS?

Individual Sponsorships / End-users / Insiders Track 🍻

OpenFaaS is free to use and completely open source under the MIT license, however financial backing is required to sustain the effort to maintain and develop the project.


23 May 2020Last Commit16813 (8702/yr)Github Stars1007Issues

Hasura GraphQL Engine is a blazing-fast GraphQL server that gives you instant, realtime GraphQL APIs over Postgres, with webhook triggers on database events, and remote schemas for business logic.

Hasura helps you build GraphQL apps backed by Postgres or incrementally move to GraphQL for existing applications using Postgres.

Read more at and the docs.

Read more at and the docs.

Table of Contents

The fastest way to try Hasura out is via Heroku.

Click on the following button to deploy GraphQL Engine on Heroku with the free Postgres add-on:


21 May 2020Last Commit8067 (1133/yr)Github Stars311Issues

GitBucket is a Git web platform powered by Scala offering:

You can try an online demo (ID: root / Pass: root) of GitBucket, and also get the latest information at GitBucket News.

The current version of GitBucket provides many features such as:

If you want to try the development version of GitBucket, see the Developer's Guide.

GitBucket requires Java8. You have to install it, if it is not already installed.

You can also deploy gitbucket.war to a servlet container which supports Servlet 3.0 (like Jetty, Tomcat, JBoss, etc)


28 Apr 2020Last Commit7700 (716/yr)Github Stars4Issues

(Github-users: click the "wiki" link before sending me anything via github.)

This is a minimal README for gitolite, so you can quickly get started with:

For anything more, you need to look at the complete documentation, at: Please go there for what/why/how, concepts, background, troubleshooting, more details on what is covered here, advanced features not covered here, migration from older gitolite, running gitolite over http (rather than ssh), and many more topics.

You are familiar with:


21 May 2020Last Commit6682 (1075/yr)Github Stars86Issues is an online tool to learn, build, and test Regular Expressions. It was created by Grant Skinner and the nice people at

Please report issues & feature requests on GitHub. Please do not post questions about regular expressions (use Stack Overflow instead).

If you would like to contribute back to please send us pull requests.

Please make sure they are well formatted and follow the style specified out in the existing files.

This version of RegExr is licensed under GPL v3. If you're interested in using the source under other terms, feel free to get in touch.


22 May 2020Last Commit6082 (1179/yr)Github Stars907Issues

Next-generation container development platform, developer workspace server and cloud IDE

Che is Kubernetes-native and places everything the developer needs into containers in Kube pods including dependencies, embedded containerized runtimes, a web IDE, and project code. This makes workspaces distributed, collaborative, and portable to run anywhere Kubernetes runs ... Read More

Visit website at: and documentation at:

Here you can find links on how to get started with Eclipse Che:

22 May 2020Last Commit5839 (598/yr)Github Stars269Issues

Read the Docs hosts documentation for the open source community. It supports Sphinx docs written with reStructuredText, and can pull from your Subversion, Bazaar, Git, and Mercurial repositories. Then we build documentation and host it for you. Think of it as Continuous Documentation.

You will find complete documentation for setting up your project at the Read the Docs site.

You can find information about getting in touch with Read the Docs at our Contribution page.

You can find information about contributing to Read the Docs at our Contribution page.


22 May 2020Last Commit5467 (904/yr)Github Stars224Issues

Tyk is a lightweight, open source API Gateway and Management Platform enables you to control who accesses your API, when they access it and how they access it. Tyk will also record detailed analytics on how your users are interacting with your API and when things go wrong.

Go version 1.10 is required to build master, the current development version. Tyk is officially supported on linux/amd64, linux/i386 and linux/arm64.

Tests are run against both Go versions 1.10 & 1.11, however at present, only Go 1.10 is officially supported.


13 May 2020Last Commit4066 (382/yr)Github Stars18Issues

IMPORTANT: this current version of jsbin (v4.x.x) is no longer actively maintained and the new version of jsbin (v5) is currently in active development. This means that pretty much all the docs in this repo will be soon out of date. Please be warned ❤️


JS Bin is an open source collaborative web development debugging tool.

It likely means you're not going to subscribe as a pro user - which is how we're sustaining our project, which is cool, but please consider donating via Gratipay here.


22 May 2020Last Commit3937 (1146/yr)Github Stars22Issues

Octobox helps you manage your GitHub notifications efficiently so you can spend less time managing and more time getting things done.

Don't lose track - Octobox adds an extra "archived" state to each notification so you can mark it as "done". If anything happens on an archived thread, issue or PR, Octobox will move it back into your inbox.

Starred notifications - Let's be honest, you probably don't have a 'favourite' issue but Octobox lets you highlight important notifications with a star so you can come back and find them easily.


23 May 2020Last Commit3834 (512/yr)Github Stars18Issues

OpenProject is a web-based project management software. Its key features are:

More information and screenshots can be found on our website.

If you want to run an instance of OpenProject in production (or for evaluation), refer to our in-depth installation guides.

If you're a developer wanting to set-up a local environment for contributing to OpenProject or developing plugins, you should refer instead to our Quick Start for Developers.

You found a bug? Please report it to our OpenProject community. Thank you!


24 May 2020Last Commit3571 (752/yr)Github Stars1324Issues

Sourcegraph OSS edition is a fast, open-source, fully-featured code search and navigation engine. Enterprise editions are available.


For a detailed guide to installing prerequisites, see these instructions.

Prebuilt Docker images are the fastest way to use Sourcegraph Enterprise. See the quickstart installation guide.

To use Sourcegraph OSS:

Ensure Docker is running

Initialize the PostgreSQL database

Configure the HTTPS reverse proxy

Start the development server

Sourcegraph should now be running at https://sourcegraph.test:3443.


24 May 2020Last Commit3215 (340/yr)Github Stars1337Issues

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the R programming language. Some of its features include:

For more information on RStudio please visit the project website.

RStudio is licensed under the AGPLv3, the terms of which are included in the file COPYING. You can find our source code repository on GitHub at

For information on how to use RStudio check out our online documentation.

For documentation on running your own RStudio Server see the server getting started guide.


23 May 2020Last Commit2760 (344/yr)Github Stars114Issues

GitList is an elegant and modern web interface for interacting with multiple git repositories. It allows you to browse repositories using your favorite browser, viewing files under different revisions, commit history, diffs. It also generates RSS feeds for each repository, allowing you to stay up-to-date with the latest changes anytime, anywhere. GitList was written in PHP, on top of the Silex microframework and powered by the Twig template engine. This means that GitList is easy to install and easy to customize. Also, the GitList gorgeous interface was made possible due to Bootstrap.


04 Dec 2018Last Commit2754 (703/yr)Github Stars92Issues

Welcome to IronFunctions! The open source serverless platform.

IronFunctions is an open source serverless platform, or as we like to refer to it, Functions as a Service (FaaS) platform that you can run anywhere.

Serverless is a new paradigm in computing that enables simplicity, efficiency and scalability for both developers and operators. It's important to distinguish the two, because the benefits differ:

The main benefits that most people refer to are on the developer side and they include:

Since you'll be running IronFunctions yourself, the paying part may not apply, but it does apply to cost savings on your infrastructure bills as you'll read below.


23 May 2020Last Commit2728 (2426/yr)Github Stars56Issues

Simple Backend Server for your [Flutter / Vue / Angular / React / iOS / Android / *ANY OTHER*] Frontend App

Appwrite is a simple self-hosted backend server for web and mobile developers with a shiny dashboard and a very easy-to-use REST API.

Appwrite API services aim to make developer's life a lot easier by hiding the complexity of common and repetitive software development tasks.

Using Appwrite, you can easily manage user authentication with multiple sign-in methods, a database for storing and querying user and team data, storage and file management, image manipulation and cropping, schedule cron tasks and many other features to help you get more results in faster times and with a lot less code.


19 May 2020Last Commit2697 (759/yr)Github Stars31Issues

An open framework to assemble ultra performance API Gateways with middlewares; core service of the KrakenD API Gateway.

Looking for the API gateway ready to use?

Site | Download | Build | Documentation | Blog

Consumers of REST API content (specially in microservices) often query backend services that weren't coded for the UI implementation. This is of course a good practice, but the UI consumers need to do implementations that suffer a lot of complexity and burden with the sizes of their microservices responses.


11 Apr 2020Last Commit2201 (605/yr)Github Stars11Issues

This is a Selenium Grid extension to scale your local grid dynamically with docker containers. It uses docker-selenium to run your tests in Firefox and Chrome locally, if you need a different browser, your tests can get redirected to a cloud testing provider (Sauce Labs, BrowserStack, TestingBot, CrossBrowserTesting, LambdaTest). Zalenium also works out of the box in Kubernetes.

Zalenium's maintainers add new features regularly. We invite you to test it, report bugs, suggest any ideas you may have, and contribute. See our contributing guidelines for more details.


24 May 2020Last Commit1885 (229/yr)Github Stars276Issues

Weblate is a copylefted libre software web-based continuous localization system, used by over 1150 libre projects and companies in more than 115 countries.

Install it, or use the Hosted Weblate service at

To be found in the docs directory the source code, or viewed online on

Setup instructions:

Please report feature requests and problems to:

Copyright © 2012–2020 Michal Čihař


28 Jan 2020Last Commit1819 (214/yr)Github Stars51Issues

Originally Created by Jeff Lindsay


Create a Heroku account if you haven't, then grab the RequestBin source using git:

$ git clone git://

From the project directory, create a Heroku application:

$ heroku create

Add Heroku's redis addon:

$ heroku addons:add heroku-redis

Set an environment variable to indicate production:

$ heroku config:set REALM=prod

Now just deploy via git:

$ git push heroku master

It will push to Heroku and give you a URL that your own private RequestBin will be running.


26 Apr 2020Last Commit1767 (198/yr)Github Stars241Issues

Gitblit is an open source, pure Java Git solution for managing, viewing, and serving Git repositories. It can serve repositories over the GIT, HTTP, and SSH transports; it can authenticate against multiple providers; and it allows you to get up-and-running with an attractive, capable Git server in less than 5 minutes.

More information about Gitblit can be found here.

Gitblit is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software Foundation license, version 2.0. The text of the license is included in the file LICENSE in the root of the project.


22 Jan 2020Last Commit1668 (283/yr)Github Stars249Issues

The Simplest Way to Manage Your Entire Dev Infrastructure!

Koding is a development platform that orchestrates your dev environment. Developers get everything they need to spin up full-stack, project-specific environments in seconds. Share them, update them, and manage infrastructure from a simple interface.

You can try Koding now on

Easiest way to run Koding is to install docker-compose which can be found here. For the rest you can follow these steps:

Now you are able to access Koding via port 8090 (e.g. localhost:8090) on your host.


20 May 2020Last Commit1599 (426/yr)Github Stars75Issues

Selenoid is a powerful implementation of Selenium hub using Docker containers to launch browsers.

Start browser automation in minutes by copy-pasting just one command:

That's it! You can now use Selenoid instead of Selenium server. Specify the following Selenium URL in tests:

No need to manually install browsers or dive into WebDriver documentation. Available images:

New images are added right after official releases. You can create your custom images with browsers.

New rich user interface showing browser screen and Selenium session logs:


20 Jan 2020Last Commit1579 (171/yr)Github Stars169Issues

Thank you for downloading Bonobo Git Server. For more information please visit

Before each update please read carefully the information about compatibility issues between your version and the latest one in changelog.

These steps illustrate simple installation with Windows 2008 Server and IIS 7. They are exactly the same for higher platforms (Windows Server 2012 and IIS 8.0).

Extract the files from the installation archive to C:\inetpub\wwwroot

Allow IIS User to modify C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Bonobo.Git.Server\App_Data folder. To do so


22 May 2020Last Commit1437 (555/yr)Github Stars52Issues

Poor man's function as a service.

fx is a tool to help you do Function as a Service on your own server, fx can make your stateless function a service in seconds, both Docker host and Kubernetes cluster supported. The most exciting thing is that you can write your functions with most programming languages.

Feel free hacking fx to support the languages not listed. Welcome to tweet me @_metrue on Twitter, @metrue on Weibo.

Binaries are available for Windows, MacOS and Linux/Unix on x86. For other architectures and platforms, follow instructions to build fx from source.


22 May 2020Last Commit1279 (156/yr)Github Stars522Issues

Docs | Changes | Issues | Community Support | Contributing | Development Channel

Pootle is an online translation and localization tool. It works to lower the barrier of entry, providing tools to enable teams to work towards higher quality while welcoming newcomers.

Pootle is written in Python using the Django framework and therefore can be installed on any web server that supports serving WSGI applications.

A number of translation projects for a number of languages can be hosted on Pootle. Teams can manage their files, permissions, projects, and translate on-line. Files can be downloaded for offline translation.


23 May 2020Last Commit1211 (991/yr)Github Stars33Issues

Traduora is a translation management platform for teams. Once you setup your project you can import and export your translations to various formats, work together with your team, instantly deliver translation updates over the air, and soon automatically translate your project via third-party integrations.

We want traduora to become the home for managing your translation workflow, that's why we have made all of the core product open-source with the intention to grow a community and enable developers to build on top of it as a platform.


25 Feb 2020Last Commit1181 (1193/yr)Github Stars15Issues

All-in-one web-based development environment for machine learning

Getting StartedFeatures & ScreenshotsSupportReport a BugFAQKnown IssuesContribution

The ML workspace is an all-in-one web-based IDE specialized for machine learning and data science. It is simple to deploy and gets you started within minutes to productively built ML solutions on your own machines. This workspace is the ultimate tool for developers preloaded with a variety of popular data science libraries (e.g., Tensorflow, PyTorch, Keras, Sklearn) and dev tools (e.g., Jupyter, VS Code, Tensorboard) perfectly configured, optimized, and integrated.


23 May 2020Last Commit1092 (333/yr)Github Stars15Issues

Self hosted project management and collaboration tool inspired by basecamp.

Overview | Demo | Installation | Screenshots | Contributing | Supporting | Credits | License

Goodwork is a simple project management and collaboration tool for software teams. It is open source and MIT licensed. Goodwork is a self-hosted software (no dependency on anyone else and only you keep your data).

Goodwork brings you all the components required for your project to run smoothly in one place so that you have single source of truth. Instead of using a collection of tools or service which makes everything messy with important details being hard to find because stuff is scattered all over the place, Goodwork organizes everything in a central place where everyone in the company knows what to do, knows where things stand and where to find stuff without having to ask around.


22 May 2020Last Commit1078 (213/yr)Github Stars56Issues

Instant APIs without code

DocsTry OnlineContributeCommunity SupportGet Started Guide

DreamFactory™ is an iPaaS for mobile, web, and IoT applications. It is built on top of the Laravel framework, and includes an AngularJS-driven web administration client. So what can you do with the DreamFactory Platform?

Find a full list of installation options here.

Heroku users can easily install DreamFactory by clicking on the below button. Keep in mind like many Heroku add-ons DreamFactory comes with some limitations such as the inability to deploy a local file system-based REST API due to Heroku's file system write limitations. Additionally, DreamFactory lacks support for multiple dynos. Regardless of these limitations, it's a breeze to get started using DreamFactory on Heroku so give it a whirl!


20 May 2020Last Commit843 (175/yr)Github Stars70Issues

Fusio is an open source API management platform which helps to build and manage RESTful APIs. We think that there is a huge potential in the API economy. Whether you need an API to expose your business functionality, build micro services, develop SPAs or Mobile-Apps. Because of this we think that Fusio is a great tool to simplify building such APIs. More information on

The originally idea of Fusio was to provide a tool which lets you easily build a great API beside an existing application. I.e. in case you have already a web application on a domain Fusio helps you to build the fitting API at Beside this use case you can also use Fusio to build a new API from scratch or use it internally i.e. for micro services.


15 Nov 2019Last Commit835 (111/yr)Github Stars37Issues

GitPrep is portable Github system. You can install portable GitHub system into your own Unix/Linux server.

At first, Let's try GitPrep example. You will find GitPrep is real portable GitHub system.

You can use all of repository, pull request, issue, wiki.

Installation is very easy. You run only two commands. Difficult settings is unnecessary.

Even if you have troubles by your mistake, for example "git push -f origin master", you can access all of your git repositories directory and fix them.

All reporitories are yours. All repositories exists on your own server.


29 Sep 2019Last Commit711 (125/yr)Github Stars24Issues

This git extension is a standalone web based user interface for git repositories.

It comes with history and tree browsing. You may also use it to commit as it comes with an UI to review local changes and the ability to stage / unstage code.

Moreover as git-webui is a web server, your repository is accessible to other people on the same network. They can clone or pull your code using the same URL.

It has very few dependencies, you probably already have them on your Mac / Linux : git, python, and a web browser.


22 May 2020Last Commit603 (277/yr)Github Stars15Issues

The first developer-oriented translation tool
True asynchronous flow between translators and your team.


Accent provides a powerful abstraction around the process maintaining translations in a web/native app.

Easiest way to run an instance of Accent is by using the offical docker image:

This will start the webserver on port 4000, migrate the database to have an up and running Accent instance!

The app is modeled with the Twelve-Factor App architecture, all configurations are stored in the environment.


22 May 2020Last Commit589 (63/yr)Github Stars4Issues

ZenTao is an open source project management software, developed by Qingdao Nature Easy Soft Network Technology Co. Ltd. Combining product management, project management, QA management, document management, company management and todo management. It is a professional project management software, covering the core process of software development projects.

ZenTao is practical and pragmatic. It has full features and beautiful interfaces, and is easy to use. ZenTao is well structured and can be flexibly extended. It also has powerful search features, various forms of statistical reports and complete API.


29 Mar 2020Last Commit563 (63/yr)Github Stars38Issues

(If it doesn't Just Work for you, please file a bug.)

The easiest way to get started. We maintain a Docker image that has syntax highlighting, Markdown rendering, code navigation, etc. pre-configured:

(Replace /path/to/your/repos with the folder that contains your Git repositories on the Docker host. You can also pass in multiple -v arguments if your repos are in multiple folders on the host.)

Go to http://localhost:7777 on the Docker host et voilà!

The command line above simply runs the klaus script -- for usage details, see the "Using the klaus script" section below.


02 Apr 2020Last Commit489 (88/yr)Github Stars26Issues

Lavagna is a small and easy to use issue/project tracking software.

It requires Java 8 or better and optionally a database: MySQL, MariaDB or PostgreSQL. It can be deployed in a Java servlet container or as a self contained war.


Lavagna supports MySQL (at least 5.1), MariaDB (tested on 10.1), PostgreSQL (tested on 9.1) and HSQLDB (for small deploy).

It's distributed in 2 forms:

See the documentation at

If you want to test it locally, you can download the self contained war and run:


23 May 2020Last Commit429 (80/yr)Github Stars41Issues

Leantime is a lean open source project management system for startups and innovators written in PHP, Javascript with MySQL.



to load Javascript dependencies and finally run the grunt task to create the compiled js files

We maintain an official Docker image on dockerhub. To run the image enter your MySQL credentials and execute

You can set any of the config variables in config/configuration.php when running the docker command.

Once started you can go to <>/install and run the installation script.


13 May 2020Last Commit339 (55/yr)Github Stars2Issues

Para is a simple and modular backend framework for object persistence and retrieval. It helps you build and prototype applications faster by taking care of backend operations. It can be a part of your JVM-based application or it can be deployed as standalone, multitenant API server with multiple applications and clients connecting to it.

The name "pára" means "steam" in Bulgarian. And just like steam is used to power stuff, you can use Para to power your mobile or web application backend.

See how Para compares to other open source backend frameworks.


22 May 2020Last Commit338 (102/yr)Github Stars18Issues

Judge0 API is a robust and scalable open-source online code execution system.

Judge0 API can help you build wide range of applications varying from competitive programming platforms, educational and recruitment platforms, to online code editors and more.

To see Judge0 API in action, try Judge0 IDE - free and open-source code editor that uses Judge0 API for executing the user’s source code.

For more information check out

Choose a plan on RapidAPI or install on your own server.


06 May 2020Last Commit319 (205/yr)Github Stars12Issues

Uvdesk community helpdesk project skeleton packaged along with the bare essential utilities and tools to build and customize your own helpdesk solutions.

Visit our official demo website to see it in action!

Check out UVdesk on Symfony Official WebsiteSymfony

Build on top of symfony and backbone.js, uvdesk community is a service oriented, event driven extensible opensource helpdesk system that can be used by your organization to provide efficient support to your clients effortlessly whichever way you imagine.


29 Apr 2020Last Commit293 (44/yr)Github Stars97Issues

Interested in managed hosting? Take a brief survey to help us know what to build!

A high-performance project management system in PHP

Download and extract the latest release a web accessible directory, go to the page in a browser, and fill in your database connection details.

Detailed requirements and installation instructions are available at

Phproject uses Composer for dependency management. After cloning the repository, run composer install to install the required packages.

Phproject is maintained as an open source project for use by anyone around the world under the GNU General Public License. If you find a bug or would like a new feature added, open an issue or submit a pull request with new code. If you want to help with translation, you can submit translations via Crowdin.


06 Nov 2019Last Commit271 (83/yr)Github Stars30Issues

This repository contains bblfsh daemon (bblfshd), which includes the runtime that runs the driver in containers and the bblfshctl, a cli tool used to control the installed drivers and query the status of the daemon.

Drivers are implemented as Docker images, each having their own repository in the bblfsh organization on GitHub. For more information, see bblfsh SDK documentation.

See the Getting Started guide.

This project is now part of source{d} Engine, which provides the simplest way to get started with a single command. Visit for more information.


15 May 2020Last Commit263 (73/yr)Github Stars30Issues

Zanata is a web-based system for translators to translate documentation and software online using a web-browser. It is written in Java and uses modern web technologies like JBoss EAP, CDI, GWT, Hibernate, and a REST API. It currently supports translation of DocBook/Publican documentation through PO files, and a number of other formats. Projects can be uploaded to and downloaded from a Zanata server using a Maven plugin or a command line client.

For developers and writers: By using Zanata for your document translations, you can open up your project for translations without opening your entire project in version control.


27 Feb 2019Last Commit111 (38/yr)Github Stars0Issues

Hapttic listens for incoming HTTP connections. When it receives a connection, it dumps all relevant data (headers, path, parameters, the body and other stuff) into a JSON object and calls a bash script with this object as its parameters.

The basic idea is pretty similar. The main advantage of hapttic is ease of setup with a simple Docker image that lets you quickly connect a shell script to a http endpoint.

First, create a request handler at ~/

Then run the following command to spin up the docker container that runs hapttic:


04 Apr 2017Last Commit111 (13/yr)Github Stars0Issues

docstore is a simple way to serve Markdown files without any server-side processing, and without requiring you (as the author) to recompile every time you change an article. It consists of a very simple JS script that makes an ajax request to your server, runs a Markdown processor on what it finds, and then displays the results. Clone the repository and add articles in the text/ directory to get started.


05 Mar 2018Last Commit110 (33/yr)Github Stars0Issues

Super simple mock API endpoints for static JSON data

endpoint is a self-hosted microservice for quickly creating configurable mock HTTP endpoints that return static JSON data. It's intended to be a super simple, zero-configuration, zero-server-overhead way of associating some JSON with a URL in order to test webhooks or client libraries during development.

endpoint is especially useful for testing client-side logic when a live production server is either not yet ready or unavailable in a development environment.


23 May 2020Last Commit101 (29/yr)Github Stars2Issues

Modern open source project time tracking for freelancers and small teams

We believe in the philosophy "Do One Thing And Do It Well." and try to follow it in the design and implementation of titra. A great companion for titra is Wekan, where you can plan your tasks and track your time against later on.

According to the philosophy described above, titra has been built to be the easiest, most convenient and modern way to track your time spent on projects. We want you to get started tracking your time as fast and with the least distractions as possible. After tracking your time, the second most important aspect is the ability to report and export your tracked time efficiently.


24 Jan 2015Last Commit92 (11/yr)Github Stars1Issues

Take a folder with a hierarchy of markdown files and use this script to serve that folder as a live styled site with a built in navigation.

Basically this is a Sinatra script to serve a hierarchy / tree directory of markdown files as a live dynamic site. Use intended for small sites built in markdown.

There are many similar scripts done in a static fashion but I couldn't find a minimal system for serving markdown hierarchy based sites that was dynamic.

For that reason I created Markdown Tree. Having a dynamically generated site allows me to not have to worry about regenerating my site every time I make a minor change.


23 May 2020Last Commit51 (51/yr)Github Stars6Issues

A minimalist, self-hosted WakaTime-compatible backend for coding statistics

If you like this project, please consider supporting it 🙂. You can donate either through buying me a coffee or becoming a GitHub sponor. Every little donation is highly appreciated and boosts the developers' motivation to keep improving Wakapi!

On the server side:

On your local machine:

As an alternative to building from source or using go get you can also download one of the existing pre-compiled binaries.

To get your API key, take a look into the logs docker logs wakapi | grep "API key"


21 Oct 2019Last Commit50 (50/yr)Github Stars1Issues

Uier (UI[test]er) is a tool that provides codeless or low-code User Experience test editing and management. Uier uses Selenium to perform testing or UI automation. When running a script, results are fed back to the user interface to visually inspect failures. Each step captures screenshots and the full browser state.

Uier tends to be a free self hostable alternative to Applitools, Endtest, Ghost Inspector, Usetrace, Screenster and many others. In addition to testing, Uier can also be used for general automation purposes.


23 May 2020Last Commit42 (61/yr)Github Stars2Issues

Atheos is an updated and currently maintained fork of Codiad, a web-based IDE framework with a small footprint and minimal requirements.

From Codiad:

"Codiad was built with simplicity in mind, allowing for fast, interactive development without the massive overhead of some of the larger desktop editors. That being said even users of IDE's such as Eclipse, NetBeans and Aptana are finding Codiad's simplicity to be a huge benefit. While simplicity was key, we didn't skimp on features and have a team of dedicated developer actively adding more."


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Tuleap is a libre suite to plan, track, code and collaborate on software projects.


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Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects.


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Agile Project Management Tool based on the Kanban and Scrum methods.


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Sorcia is a minimalist web frontend for Git repositories with fine-grained user access controls, multiple themes to choose based on your taste and many more.
The easiest way to share and manage your Git, Mercurial and Subversion repositories over http.


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RhodeCode is an open source platform for software development teams. It unifies and simplifies repository management for Git, Subversion, and Mercurial.


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Redmine is a flexible project management web application.


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A complete, mature, multi-user project management system with extensive functionality for all phases of a project.


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Source code management system that supports two leading version control systems, Mercurial and Git, with a web interface.


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Self Hosted Git repository management, code reviews, issue tracking, activity feeds and wikis.


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Small Javascript file that fetches Markdown files and renders them as full pages.