
Sourcegraph is a fast, open-source, fully-featured code search and navigation engine written in Go.
24 May 202035711324
91go1code-intelligence1code-search2lsif-enabled16open-source1repo-type-main1sourcegraph68software development943selfhosted329docker


build apache license

Sourcegraph OSS edition is a fast, open-source, fully-featured code search and navigation engine. Enterprise editions are available.



Try it yourself



  • Git
  • Go (1.13 or later)
  • Docker
  • PostgreSQL (v11 or higher)
  • Node.js (version 8 or 10)
  • Redis
  • Yarn
  • Nginx

For a detailed guide to installing prerequisites, see these instructions.


Prebuilt Docker images are the fastest way to use Sourcegraph Enterprise. See the quickstart installation guide.

To use Sourcegraph OSS:

  1. Ensure Docker is running

  2. Initialize the PostgreSQL database

  3. Configure the HTTPS reverse proxy

  4. Start the development server


Sourcegraph should now be running at https://sourcegraph.test:3443.

For detailed instructions and troubleshooting, see the local development documentation.


The doc directory has additional documentation for developing and understanding Sourcegraph:


Sourcegraph OSS is available freely under the Apache 2 license. Sourcegraph OSS comprises all files in this repository except those in the enterprise/ and web/src/enterprise directories.

All files in the enterprise/ and web/src/enterprise/ directories are subject to the Sourcegraph Enterprise license.