

24 May 2020Last Commit66326 (11123/yr)Github Stars2904Issues

Kubernetes is an open source system for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts. It provides basic mechanisms for deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications.

Kubernetes builds upon a decade and a half of experience at Google running production workloads at scale using a system called Borg, combined with best-of-breed ideas and practices from the community.

Kubernetes is hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). If your company wants to help shape the evolution of technologies that are container-packaged, dynamically scheduled, and microservices-oriented, consider joining the CNCF. For details about who's involved and how Kubernetes plays a role, read the CNCF announcement.


23 May 2020Last Commit31170 (4530/yr)Github Stars277Issues

Note: The master branch may be in an unstable or even broken state during development. Please use releases instead of the master branch in order to get stable binaries.

etcd is a distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system, with a focus on being:

etcd is written in Go and uses the Raft consensus algorithm to manage a highly-available replicated log.

etcd is used in production by many companies, and the development team stands behind it in critical deployment scenarios, where etcd is frequently teamed with applications such as Kubernetes, locksmith, vulcand, Doorman, and many others. Reliability is further ensured by rigorous testing.


21 May 2020Last Commit21084 (3349/yr)Github Stars50Issues

Drone is a Continuous Delivery system built on container technology. Drone uses a simple YAML configuration file, a superset of docker-compose, to define and execute Pipelines inside Docker containers.

Sample Pipeline Configuration:

Documentation and Other Links:

Please note the official Docker images run the Drone Enterprise distribution. If you would like to run the Community Edition you can build from source by following the instructions in BUILDING_OSS.


16 May 2020Last Commit20732 (3612/yr)Github Stars150Issues

LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.

Authors: Sanjay Ghemawat ( and Jeff Dean (

LevelDB library documentation is online and bundled with the source code.

This project supports CMake out of the box.

Quick start:

First generate the Visual Studio 2017 project/solution files:

The default default will build for x86. For 64-bit run:

To compile the Windows solution from the command-line:


23 May 2020Last Commit15527 (1634/yr)Github Stars48Issues

In a nutshell, Jenkins is the leading open-source automation server. Built with Java, it provides over 1600 plugins to support automating virtually anything, so that humans can actually spend their time doing things machines cannot.

Use Jenkins to automate your development workflow so you can focus on work that matters most. Jenkins is commonly used for:

Execute repetitive tasks, save time, and optimize your development process with Jenkins.

Non-source downloads such as WAR files and several Linux packages can be found on our Mirrors.


23 May 2020Last Commit15048 (1601/yr)Github Stars81Issues

A network daemon that runs on the Node.js platform and listens for statistics, like counters and timers, sent over UDP or TCP and sends aggregates to one or more pluggable backend services (e.g., Graphite).


Each stat is in its own "bucket". They are not predefined anywhere. Buckets can be named anything that will translate to Graphite (periods make folders, etc)


Each stat will have a value. How it is interpreted depends on modifiers. In general values should be integers.


After the flush interval timeout (defined by config.flushInterval, default 10 seconds), stats are aggregated and sent to an upstream backend service.


22 May 2020Last Commit12842 (1648/yr)Github Stars13Issues

You can download TextMate from here.

You can use the TextMate mailing list or #textmate IRC channel on for questions, comments, and bug reports.

You can also contact MacroMates.

Before you submit a bug report please read the writing bug reports instructions.

To bootstrap the build you need to run ./configure (in the root of the source tree). You can set a few (environment) variables read by this script that change the generated build file:

In the simplest case (assuming Homebrew is installed) you would run:


19 May 2020Last Commit11267 (1642/yr)Github Stars274Issues

GoAccess is an open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal on *nix systems or through your browser. It provides fast and valuable HTTP statistics for system administrators that require a visual server report on the fly. More info at:

GoAccess parses the specified web log file and outputs the data to the X terminal. Features include:

Completely Real Time
All panels and metrics are timed to be updated every 200 ms on the terminal output and every second on the HTML output.


23 May 2020Last Commit10722 (1800/yr)Github Stars439Issues

cAdvisor (Container Advisor) provides container users an understanding of the resource usage and performance characteristics of their running containers. It is a running daemon that collects, aggregates, processes, and exports information about running containers. Specifically, for each container it keeps resource isolation parameters, historical resource usage, histograms of complete historical resource usage and network statistics. This data is exported by container and machine-wide.

cAdvisor has native support for Docker containers and should support just about any other container type out of the box. We strive for support across the board so feel free to open an issue if that is not the case. cAdvisor's container abstraction is based on lmctfy's so containers are inherently nested hierarchically.


12 May 2020Last Commit10383 (1916/yr)Github Stars4Issues

A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources. Please read CONTRIBUTING if you wish to add software and consider donating to the FLOSS projects you use regularly.

Automation build.

Backup software. Also see Restic's list of Linux backup software.

Build and software organization tools.

Conversation-driven development and management. See for more information.

Managing software on desktop computers.

Cloning software.

Web Based collaborative code review system.


23 May 2020Last Commit9697 (1641/yr)Github Stars936Issues

IPFS is a global, versioned, peer-to-peer filesystem. It combines good ideas from previous systems such as Git, BitTorrent, Kademlia, SFS, and the Web. It is like a single BitTorrent swarm, exchanging git objects. IPFS provides an interface as simple as the HTTP web, but with permanence built-in. You can also mount the world at /ipfs.

For more info see:

Before opening an issue, consider using one of the following locations to ensure you are opening your thread in the right place:


15 May 2020Last Commit9550 (1017/yr)Github Stars627Issues

The goal of fpm is to make it easy and quick to build packages such as rpms, debs, OSX packages, etc.

fpm, as a project, exists to help you build packages, therefore:

If there is a bug in fpm, then we can work together to fix it. If you wish to report a bug/problem/whatever, I welcome you to do on the project issue tracker.

You can find out how to use fpm in the documentation.

You can learn how to install fpm on your platform in the installation guide.

Sometimes packaging is done wrong (because you can't do it right for all situations), but small tweaks can fix it.


19 May 2020Last Commit9222 (1396/yr)Github Stars27Issues

A simple & low-overhead web dashboard for linux systems

Demo  |  Docs

OR, if you prefer to download manually:

See instructions for preferred server linux-dash server (all included):

To build a binary, run go build && ./server -h. See @tehbilly's notes here for binary usage options

For general help, please use the Gitter chat room.

It is strongly recommended that all linux-dash installations be protected via a security measure of your choice.

Linux Dash does not provide any security or authentication features.


23 May 2020Last Commit8599 (1672/yr)Github Stars1042Issues

Telegraf is an agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics.

Design goals are to have a minimal memory footprint with a plugin system so that developers in the community can easily add support for collecting metrics.

Telegraf is plugin-driven and has the concept of 4 distinct plugin types:

New plugins are designed to be easy to contribute, pull requests are welcomed and we work to incorporate as many pull requests as possible.

You can try Telegraf right in your browser in the Telegraf playground.


22 May 2020Last Commit6512 (1538/yr)Github Stars124Issues

NetBox is an IP address management (IPAM) and data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tool. Initially conceived by the network engineering team at DigitalOcean, NetBox was developed specifically to address the needs of network and infrastructure engineers. It is intended to function as a domain-specific source of truth for network operations.

NetBox runs as a web application atop the Django Python framework with a PostgreSQL database. For a complete list of requirements, see requirements.txt. The code is available on GitHub.


02 Apr 2020Last Commit6503 (1108/yr)Github Stars36Issues

A miscellaneous collection of in-development and unsupported performance analysis tools for Linux ftrace and perf_events (aka the "perf" command). Both ftrace and perf are core Linux tracing tools, included in the kernel source. Your system probably has ftrace already, and perf is often just a package add (see Prerequisites).

These tools are designed to be easy to install (fewest dependencies), provide advanced performance observability, and be simple to use: do one thing and do it well. This collection was created by Brendan Gregg (author of the DTraceToolkit).


23 May 2020Last Commit6200 (1232/yr)Github Stars459Issues

More screencasts: installation, advanced usage

BorgBackup (short: Borg) is a deduplicating backup program. Optionally, it supports compression and authenticated encryption.

The main goal of Borg is to provide an efficient and secure way to backup data. The data deduplication technique used makes Borg suitable for daily backups since only changes are stored. The authenticated encryption technique makes it suitable for backups to not fully trusted targets.

See the installation manual or, if you have already downloaded Borg, docs/installation.rst to get started with Borg. There is also an offline documentation available, in multiple formats.


10 Nov 2018Last Commit5909 (866/yr)Github Stars153Issues

free·board (noun) *\ˈfrē-ˌbȯrd*

Freeboard is a turn-key HTML-based "engine" for dashboards. Besides a nice looking layout engine, it provides a plugin architecture for creating datasources (which fetch data) and widgets (which display data)— freeboard then does all the work to connect the two together. Another feature of freeboard is its ability to run entirely in the browser as a single-page static web app without the need for a server. The feature makes it extremely attractive as a front-end for embedded devices which may have limited ability to serve complex and dynamic web pages.


23 May 2020Last Commit5619 (872/yr)Github Stars60Issues

This is the main repository for GoCD - a continuous delivery server. GoCD helps you automate and streamline the build-test-release cycle for worry-free, continuous delivery of your product.

To quickly build your first pipeline while learning key GoCD concepts, visit our Test Drive GoCD.

This is a Java/JRuby on Rails project. Here is the guide to setup your development environment.

We'd love it if you contributed to GoCD. For information on contributing to this project, please see our contributor's guide. A lot of useful information like links to user documentation, design documentation, mailing lists etc. can be found in the resources section.


21 May 2020Last Commit5363 (942/yr)Github Stars73Issues

As far as I know, sshuttle is the only program that solves the following common case:

Debian stretch or later:

Arch Linux:



From PyPI:



It is also possible to install into a virtualenv as a non-root user.

From PyPI:




The documentation for the stable version is available at:

The documentation for the latest development version is available at:

Sshuttle can also be run as a service and configured using a config management system:


23 May 2020Last Commit4926 (808/yr)Github Stars717Issues

Concourse is an automation system written in Go. It is most commonly used for CI/CD, and is built to scale to any kind of automation pipeline, from simple to complex.

Concourse is very opinionated about a few things: idempotency, immutability, declarative config, stateless workers, and reproducible builds.

Concourse is distributed as a single concourse binary, available on the Releases page.

If you want to just kick the tires, jump ahead to the Quick Start.

In addition to the concourse binary, there are a few other supported formats. Consult their GitHub repos for more information:


21 May 2020Last Commit4427 (582/yr)Github Stars192Issues

more screenshots

Currently v2 is experiencing some bugs, please use v1.11.0 instead.

Strider is an Open Source Continuous Deployment / Continuous Integration platform. It is written in Node.JS / JavaScript and uses MongoDB as a backing store. It is published under the BSD license.

Strider is extremely customizable through plugins. Plugins can

Note: Installing on OS X might require XCode to be installed.

Make sure you have MongoDB installed on your system. You can get the latest version at


23 May 2020Last Commit4345 (440/yr)Github Stars620Issues

Buildbot is based on original work from Brian Warner, and currently maintained by the Botherders.

Visit us on !

Buildbot consists of several components:

and so on

See the README in each subdirectory for more information

Related repositories:


21 May 2020Last Commit4188 (415/yr)Github Stars17Issues


17 Mar 2020Last Commit4036 (474/yr)Github Stars110Issues

Lsyncd watches a local directory trees event monitor interface (inotify or fsevents). It aggregates and combines events for a few seconds and then spawns one (or more) process(es) to synchronize the changes. By default this is rsync. Lsyncd is thus a light-weight live mirror solution that is comparatively easy to install not requiring new filesystems or block devices and does not hamper local filesystem performance.

Rsync+ssh is an advanced action configuration that uses a SSH to act file and directory moves directly on the target instead of re-transmitting the move destination over the wire.


30 Apr 2020Last Commit3374 (644/yr)Github Stars47Issues

Today we are sharing with the community that we have contributed our latest developments in this space to the PCP project and are retiring Vector as a standalone web application. Specifically, we have contributed a data source for Grafana as well as some template dashboards that we use internally. This has been picked up by the PCP team and wrapped into a formal product. This splits what Vector is and how it is used into two pieces. The bulk of the monitoring moves into a more familiar stack with Grafana, which also includes the components to collect and display performance data including BCC-based flame graphs. Additional Netflix-specific flame-graphs and related functionality has been pulled into a new internal tool called FlameCommander.


16 Mar 2017Last Commit3230 (319/yr)Github Stars27Issues

Twitter is no longer maintaining this project or responding to issues or PRs.

FlockDB is a distributed graph database for storing adjancency lists, with goals of supporting:

Non-goals include:

FlockDB is much simpler than other graph databases such as neo4j because it tries to solve fewer problems. It scales horizontally and is designed for on-line, low-latency, high throughput environments such as web-sites.

Twitter uses FlockDB to store social graphs (who follows whom, who blocks whom) and secondary indices. As of April 2010, the Twitter FlockDB cluster stores 13+ billion edges and sustains peak traffic of 20k writes/second and 100k reads/second.


16 Mar 2016Last Commit3182 (350/yr)Github Stars27Issues

Doozer is a highly-available, completely consistent store for small amounts of extremely important data. When the data changes, it can notify connected clients immediately (no polling), making it ideal for infrequently-updated data for which clients want real-time updates. Doozer is good for name service, database master elections, and configuration data shared between several machines. See When Should I Use It?, below, for details.

See the mailing list to discuss doozer with other users and developers.


24 May 2020Last Commit3025 (1548/yr)Github Stars111Issues

Statping - Web and App Status Monitoring for Any Type of Project
View Wiki | Demo | iPhone | Android
API | Docker | EC2 | Mac | Linux | Windows

An easy to use Status Page for your websites and applications. Statping will automatically fetch the application and render a beautiful status page with tons of features for you to build an even better status page. This Status Page generator allows you to use MySQL, Postgres, or SQLite on multiple operating systems.

(dashboard login is admin, password admin)


20 May 2020Last Commit2995 (459/yr)Github Stars416Issues

Bosun is a time series alerting framework developed by Stack Exchange. Scollector is a metric collection agent. Learn more at

bosun and scollector are found under the cmd directory. Run go build in the corresponding directories to build each project. There's also a Makefile available for most tasks.

For a full stack with all dependencies, run docker-compose up from the docker directory. Don't forget to rebuild images and containers if you change the code:

If you only need the dependencies (Redis, OpenTSDB, HBase) and would like to run Bosun on your machine directly (e.g. to attach a debugger), you can bring up the dependencies with these three commands from the repository's root:


23 May 2020Last Commit2755 (319/yr)Github Stars648Issues


11 May 2020Last Commit2436 (346/yr)Github Stars233Issues

PHPCI is a free and open source (BSD License) continuous integration tool specifically designed for PHP. We've built it with simplicity in mind, so whilst it doesn't do everything Jenkins can do, it is a breeze to set up and use.

We've got documentation on our website on installing PHPCI and adding support for PHPCI to your projects.

Contributions from others would be very much appreciated! Please read our guide to contributing for more information on how to get involved.

Your best place to go is the mailing list. If you're already a member of the mailing list, you can simply email


22 May 2020Last Commit2404 (294/yr)Github Stars51Issues

AppScale is an easy-to-manage serverless platform for building and running scalable web and mobile applications on any infrastructure.

The platform enables developers to focus solely on business logic in order to rapidly build scalable apps, cleanly separating it from deployment and scaling logic. It allows operations to provide a consistent, tunable environment that can simplify running and maintaining apps on multiple infrastructures. The business will benefit from faster time-to-market, reduced operational costs, maximized application lifetime, and the flexibility to integrate with new or existing technologies.


13 May 2020Last Commit2361 (296/yr)Github Stars68Issues

easy-rsa is a CLI utility to build and manage a PKI CA. In laymen's terms, this means to create a root certificate authority, and request and sign certificates, including intermediate CAs and certificate revocation lists (CRL).

If you are looking for release downloads, please see the releases section on GitHub. Releases are also available as source checkouts using named tags.

For 3.x project documentation and usage, see the file or the more detailed docs under the doc/ directory. The .md files are in Markdown format and can be converted to html files as desired for release packages, or read as-is in plaintext.


26 Jul 2017Last Commit2288 (364/yr)Github Stars10Issues

psdash is a system information web dashboard for linux using data mainly served by psutil - hence the name.

Dashboard overview of the system displaying data on cpu, disks, network, users, memory, swap and network.

List processes (top like) and view detailed process information about each process.

Apart from a detailed process overview this is also available for each process:

List info on all disks and partitions.

List info on all network interfaces and the current throughput. System-wide open connections listing with filtering. Somewhat like netstat.


04 Nov 2016Last Commit2172 (509/yr)Github Stars10Issues

Getting Started | Contributing | Mailing List

Note: This project is no longer supported, as I no longer have the time to maintain it.

Abot (pronounced Eh-Bot, like the Canadians) is a digital assistant framework that enables anyone to easily build a digital assistant similar to Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana, Google Now, or Amazon Alexa. Further, Abot supports a human-aided training backend enabling anyone to build services like Facebook M.

Unlike those proprietary systems, Abot is open-sourced and extensible. By providing an extensible platform onto which anyone can easily add functionality, Abot is the first A.I. framework that aims to be available everywhere and— ultimately—to do everything.


22 Feb 2020Last Commit2164 (412/yr)Github Stars55Issues

Stack Up is a simple deployment tool that performs given set of commands on multiple hosts in parallel. It reads Supfile, a YAML configuration file, which defines networks (groups of hosts), commands and targets.

Note: Demo is based on this example Supfile.

A group of hosts.

$ sup production COMMAND will run COMMAND on api1, api2 and api3 hosts in parallel.

A shell command(s) to be run remotely.

$ sup staging restart will restart all staging Docker containers in parallel.

$ sup production tail-logs will tail Docker logs from all production containers in parallel.


13 Feb 2019Last Commit1862 (369/yr)Github Stars20Issues

rtop is a remote system monitor. It connects over SSH to a remote system and displays vital system metrics (CPU, disk, memory, network). No special software is needed on the remote system, other than an SSH server and working credentials.

Only Linux systems can be monitored, and most modern distros will work.

rtop is MIT-licensed and can be used anywhere with attribution.

rtop's home page has more information and screenshots!

rtop is written in go, and requires Go version 1.2 or higher. To build, go get it:


18 Apr 2020Last Commit1787 (298/yr)Github Stars53Issues

Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax.

Rake has the following features:

Rakefiles (rake's version of Makefiles) are completely defined in standard Ruby syntax. No XML files to edit. No quirky Makefile syntax to worry about (is that a tab or a space?)

Users can specify tasks with prerequisites.

Rake supports rule patterns to synthesize implicit tasks.

Flexible FileLists that act like arrays but know about manipulating file names and paths.


22 May 2020Last Commit1670 (205/yr)Github Stars27Issues

The Alerta monitoring tool was developed with the following aims in mind:

Starting with Release 6.0 only Python 3.5+ is supported. Release 5.2 was the last to support Python 2.7 and feature enhancements for this release ended on August 31, 2018. Only critical bug fixes will be backported to Release 5.2.

The only mandatory dependency is MongoDB or PostgreSQL. Everything else is optional.

To install MongoDB on Debian/Ubuntu run:

To install MongoDB on CentOS/RHEL run:

To install the Alerta server and client run:


09 May 2020Last Commit1623 (530/yr)Github Stars62Issues

ElastiFlow™ provides network flow data collection and visualization using the Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana). It supports Netflow v5/v9, sFlow and IPFIX flow types (1.x versions support only Netflow v5/v9).

I was inspired to create ElastiFlow™ following the overwhelmingly positive feedback received to an article I posted on Linkedin... WTFlow?! Are you really still paying for commercial solutions to collect and analyze network flow data?

Today literally 1000s of users leverage ElastiFlow™ As a powerful alternative to expensive commercial flow collecting solutions. As its popularity has increased, so has the time commitment necessary to support users and provide further enhancements. If you are one of the organizations who appreciate the value of ElastiFlow™, I would like to ask you to consider becoming a sponsor. The support from sponsors allows me dedicate more time and energy to the project. To become a sponsor, please visit ElastiFlow™ on .


23 May 2020Last Commit1581 (495/yr)Github Stars96Issues

In the vein of infrastructure as code OctoDNS provides a set of tools & patterns that make it easy to manage your DNS records across multiple providers. The resulting config can live in a repository and be deployed just like the rest of your code, maintaining a clear history and using your existing review & workflow.

The architecture is pluggable and the tooling is flexible to make it applicable to a wide variety of use-cases. Effort has been made to make adding new providers as easy as possible. In the simple case that involves writing of a single class and a couple hundred lines of code, most of which is translating between the provider's schema and OctoDNS's. More on some of the ways we use it and how to go about extending it below and in the /docs directory.


11 May 2020Last Commit1537 (211/yr)Github Stars120Issues

KairosDB is a fast distributed scalable time series database written on top of Cassandra.

Documentation is found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Download the latest KairosDB release.

Installation instructions are found here

If you want to test KairosDB in Kubernetes please follow the instructions from KairosDB Helm chart.

Join the KairosDB discussion group.

Contributions to KairosDB are very welcome. KairosDB is mainly developed in Java, but there's a lot of tasks for non-Java programmers too, so don't feel shy and join us!


22 May 2020Last Commit1440 (203/yr)Github Stars317Issues

Oxidized is a network device configuration backup tool. It's a RANCID replacement!

Light and extensible, Oxidized supports over 130 operating system types.

Feature highlights:

Check out the Oxidized TREX 2014 presentation video on YouTube!

⚠️ Maintainer Wanted! ⚠️

Is your company using Oxidized and has Ruby developers on staff? I'd love help from an extra maintainer!

Debian "buster" or newer and Ubuntu 17.10 (artful) or newer are recommended. On Ubuntu, begin by enabling the universe repository (required for libssh2-1-dev):


21 May 2020Last Commit1350 (168/yr)Github Stars55Issues

Ralph is full-featured Asset Management, DCIM and CMDB system for data centers and back offices.


It is an Open Source project provided on Apache v2.0 License.

Visit our documentation on


17 Mar 2017Last Commit1214 (136/yr)Github Stars0Issues


21 May 2020Last Commit1116 (168/yr)Github Stars178Issues

GNS3 GUI repository.

Please see

PyQt5 which is either part of the Linux distribution or installable from PyPi. The other Python dependencies are automatically installed during the GNS3 GUI installation and are listed here

For connecting to nodes using Telnet, a Telnet client is required. On Linux that's a terminal emulator like xterm, gnome-terminal, konsole plus the telnet program. For connecting to nodes with a GUI, a VNC client is required, optionally a SPICE client can be used for Qemu nodes.


12 May 2020Last Commit1089 (132/yr)Github Stars51Issues

Umbrella Project: Chef Foundation

Project State: Active

Issues Response Time Maximum: 14 days

Pull Request Response Time Maximum: 14 days

Easily create full-stack installers for your project across a variety of platforms.

Seth Chisamore and Christopher Maier of CHEF gave an introductory talk on Omnibus at ChefConf 2013, entitled Eat the Whole Bowl: Building a Full-Stack Installer with Omnibus:

This project is managed by the CHEF Release Engineering team. For more information on the Release Engineering team's contribution, triage, and release process, please consult the CHEF Release Engineering OSS Management Guide.


21 Apr 2020Last Commit585 (247/yr)Github Stars16Issues

Microservices Status Page. Monitors a distributed infrastructure and sends alerts (Slack, SMS, etc.).

Vigil is an open-source Status Page you can host on your infrastructure, used to monitor all your servers and apps, and visible to your users (on a domain of your choice, eg.

It is useful in microservices contexts to monitor both apps and backends. If a node goes down in your infrastructure, you receive a status change notification in a Slack channel, Email, Twilio SMS or/and XMPP.


15 May 2020Last Commit575 (170/yr)Github Stars44Issues

PHP Censor is an open source, self-hosted, continuous integration server for PHP projects (PHPCI fork). Official twitter @php_censor.

Actual PHP Censor versions and release branches:

More screenshots.

Unix-like OS (Windows isn't supported);

PHP 5.6+ (with OpenSSL support and enabled functions: exec(), shell_exec() and proc_open());

Web-server (Nginx or Apache2);

Database (MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL);

Beanstalkd queue;

Clone project from GitHub, Bitbucket (Git/Hg), GitLab, Git, Hg (Mercurial), SVN (Subversion) or from local directory;


24 Oct 2018Last Commit496 (60/yr)Github Stars82Issues

Trigger is a robust network automation toolkit written in Python that was designed for interfacing with network devices and managing network configuration and security policy. It increases the speed and efficiency of managing large-scale networks while reducing the risk of human error.

Started by the AOL Network Security team in 2006, Trigger was originally designed for security policy management on firewalls, routers, and switches. It has since been expanded to be a full-featured network automation toolkit.


30 Aug 2019Last Commit343 (30/yr)Github Stars0Issues


11 Mar 2017Last Commit339 (46/yr)Github Stars6Issues

Server Status now has a community forum open to everyone.

ServerStatus is based off BlueVM's Uptime Checker script, original download and information.

It uses Bootstrap for theming and progress bars.

You can currently see Load, RAM (free), HDD (free) statistics, and if it is online or not.

Remote Servers:

Master Server:


08 Jan 2020Last Commit307 (39/yr)Github Stars66Issues

Adagios is a web based Nagios configuration interface built to be simple and intuitive in design, exposing less of the clutter under the hood of nagios. Additionally adagios has a rest interface for both status and configuration data as well a feature complete status interface that can be used as an alternative to nagios web interface.

Project website is at

If you want to try out Adagios we have 2 docker images available for testing. Feel free to send in feature request and issues. Images hosted on Docker Hub.


03 May 2016Last Commit305 (54/yr)Github Stars1Issues

E-mail marketing application. Send e-mails via SES. Subscription management, delivery, bounce, and complaint notifications. Templates.

You'll need to enter your SES credentials and your SES SMTP credentials in order to send mail ( For more info on setting up SES in general, see here.

Go to /a/signup and create an account.

Using the console, turn that account into an admin user (user.update(is_admin:true, approved: true))

To create a mailing list go to /mailing_lists/new. To import users into the list, upload a CSV file with headings for email, name, and created_at ('created_at' is the date when the user subscribed).


04 May 2020Last Commit301 (28/yr)Github Stars42Issues

Tito is a tool for managing RPM based projects using git for their source code repository.

Tito offers the following features:

From Fedora:

From CentOS / RHEL:

From git's master branch:

First install Tito's dependencies for your architecture, i.e. x86_64:

NOTE: This will install Tito's dependencies from Tito's latest release for your system. If the master branch requires a new dependency, it will need to be installed manually.

Then install Tito via so-called User install (i.e. isolated to the current user):


26 Mar 2020Last Commit296 (39/yr)Github Stars19Issues

PGObserver is a battle-tested monitoring solution for your PostgreSQL databases. It covers almost all the metrics provided by the database engine's internal statistics collector, and works out of the box with all PostgreSQL versions (beginning with 9.0) as well as AWS RDS. You don’t have to install any non-standard, server-side database extensions to take advantage of its core functionality, nor do you need to register any privileged users.

For some metrics you must install data-gathering wrapper functions — also known as stored procedures — on the server being monitored. This will enable you to circumvent the superuser requirements.


20 Jan 2017Last Commit279 (29/yr)Github Stars31Issues

Copyright (c) 2008-2015 SoftUnity, Alexei Yuzhakov

Table of contents:

This software is licensed under the terms of the GPL 2.0 license. Additional information can be found in LICENSE file.

OpenVZ Web Panel is a GUI web-based frontend for controlling of the physical and virtual servers with the OpenVZ virtualization technology.

See INSTALL file for installation instructions.

By default you can visit http://your-host-or-ip:3000 to see the web panel. Login page should be shown.
Default administrator's login and password are: admin/admin. Do not forget to change default password after the first login (using "My Profile" link).


27 Sep 2016Last Commit262 (28/yr)Github Stars5Issues

Clusto is a cluster management tool. It helps you keep track of your inventory, where it is, how it's connected, and provides an abstracted interface for interacting with the elements of the infrastructure.

There are code examples in the unit tests in src/clusto/test/.

To learn more, start with the wiki, here:


20 Nov 2019Last Commit260 (43/yr)Github Stars66Issues

CloudBot is a simple, fast, expandable open-source Python IRC Bot!

CloudBot is currently unmaintained. The project possibly usable, but there are currently no developers building new features or fixing bugs.

There are several forks of CloudBot which you may want to use instead. These projects have much more work done on them, and are thus incompatible. If you already have a running CloudBot instance you will probably need to start over from scratch.

snoonetIRC/CloudBot :


20 May 2020Last Commit248 (54/yr)Github Stars33Issues

Questions? Join us in Slack!

SHIELD is a data protection solution designed to make it easier for operations to protect their critical infrastructural data. It provides primitives for scheduling automatic backups of key systems, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Consul, Redis and MongoDB, as well as a means for restoring backups in the event of an outage. Backups can be stored in a variety of cloud providers, including S3, Scality, Microsoft Azure Blobstore, and more.

The easiest way to get up and running with SHIELD is to deploy it via [BOSH][bosh], using the [SHIELD Bosh Release][shield-bosh].


27 Aug 2019Last Commit240 (64/yr)Github Stars0Issues

A responsive, eye-pleasing Linux server statistics dashboard.

(The demo resets all settings automatically every hour.)

Simply run:

The installer script has been tested with Debian, Linux Mint, Fedora, CentOS and Arch Linux.
Please let me know of any issues with the installer.

The installer will also help you to secure the install folder with a .htpasswd file. (excluding Arch)
If you want to see the installer source, it's available directly here.

SWMP includes a settings page. This enables you to configure some things with your SWMP installation.
This includes choosing from a selection of themes, choosing the language (See Languages for more information), changing the window title and showing and hiding elements on the main page as well as some debugging options. (All theme stylesheets are located in ~/css/themes/.)


09 May 2020Last Commit237 (49/yr)Github Stars27Issues

( We'll be in #spruce)

spruce is a general purpose YAML & JSON merging tool.

It is designed to be an intuitive utility for merging YAML/JSON templates together to generate complicated YAML/JSON config files in a repeatable fashion. It can be used to stitch together some generic/top level definitions for the config and pull in overrides for site-specific configurations to DRY your configs up as much as possible.

spruce is available via Homebrew, just brew tap starkandwayne/cf; brew install spruce

Alternatively, you can download a prebuilt binaries for 64-bit Linux, or Mac OS X


13 Dec 2019Last Commit222 (31/yr)Github Stars69Issues

ElkarBackup is a free open-source backup solution based on RSync/RSnapshot

Do you need more?

Elkarbackup users can subscribe to our mailing list to receive notifications about new versions or make any question.

Elkarbackup is free open source software. Download the source code, make your changes and create your own Debian package


24 Jul 2014Last Commit207 (34/yr)Github Stars9Issues

Git-backed real time collaborative editor built with meteor.

Here's a quick demo:

The current version of jotgit is a prototype that lets you collaboratively edit Markdown files in a local git repository. Then you can save the files (with an optional commit message), and they'll be committed to the repository.

This assumes that you're on Linux or Mac OS X.

First, you'll need to install node.js and meteorite, the package manager for meteor. The recommended way to do this is to first install the node version manager, following these directions. The command will be something like:


01 Mar 2020Last Commit170 (28/yr)Github Stars33Issues

nsedit is a DNS editor for PowerDNS. It is created to finally replace poweradmin and take DNS editing to what we're used at in 2014. It uses the PowerDNS API to make changes in your zones, so you can use the backend that you want, no matter what.

Multiple users are supported. A user can be an admin or a normal user. You can configure whether or not a normal user is allowed to add new zones.

WeFact is A hosting billing product. nsedit can authenticate against the WeFact API, which allows your customers to login on nsedit with their WeFact credentials. It will automatically show their domains and allow them to edit them.


06 Jun 2016Last Commit141 (27/yr)Github Stars3Issues

The prototypical IRC bot responds to text. Generally, the pattern is you provide a regex to match on, and some code to run when someone says something in chat that matches your regular expression. Your plugin runs when a pattern match happens, and then returns.

Your Lazlo module, by comparison is started at runtime and stays resident in memory. Outwardly, Lazlo acts like a bot, but internally Lazlo works as an event broker. Your module registers for callbacks -- you can tell Lazlo what sorts of events your module finds interesting. For each callback your module registers, Lazlo will hand back a channel. Your module can block on the channel, waiting for something to happen, or it can register more callbacks (as many as you have memory for), and select between them in a loop. Throughout its lifetime, your Module can de-register the callbacks it doesn't need anymore, and ask for new ones as circumstances demand.


21 May 2020Last Commit119 (25/yr)Github Stars8Issues

Laminar ( is a lightweight and modular Continuous Integration service for Linux. It is self-hosted and developer-friendly, eschewing a configuration UI in favour of simple version-controllable configuration files and scripts.

Laminar encourages the use of existing GNU/Linux tools such as bash and cron instead of reinventing them.

Although the status and progress front-end is very user-friendly, administering a Laminar instance requires writing shell scripts and manually editing configuration files. That being said, there is nothing esoteric here and the guide should be straightforward for anyone with even very basic Linux server administration experience.


24 Nov 2019Last Commit86 (18/yr)Github Stars34Issues

CapsuleCD is a generic Continuous Delivery pipeline for versioned artifacts and libraries written in any language. Its goal is to bring automation to the packaging and deployment stage of your library release cycle. CapsuleCD is incredibly flexible, and works best when implemented side-by-side with a CI pipeline.

A short list of the features...

CapsuleCD is a generic Continuous Delivery pipeline for versioned artifacts and libraries written in any language. It's goal is to bring automation to the packaging and deployment stage of your library release cycle. It automates away all the common steps required when creating a new version of your library.


11 May 2016Last Commit79 (14/yr)Github Stars5Issues a Ruby-based DSL for defining and running workflows connecting popular developer tools and services. It is designed to run from the command line, run locally without other service dependencies, very easily extensible, and workflow definitions are stored in files so they can be checked into your project repos. Workflows can run tasks on various tools and services (e.g. create a Github issue, post to Slack, make a HTTP POST call), and they can listen for events too (e.g. listen for a pattern in Slack, open a web hook, or listen for a git push on a branch in Github). Lastly, it supports great concurrency control so you can run many tasks in parallel and aggregate the results.


22 May 2020Last Commit65 (26/yr)Github Stars3Issues


25 May 2018Last Commit49 (22/yr)Github Stars18Issues

GolangCI is an automated golang codereview tool.

This repository contains the central issue tracker for the GolangCI project.

GolangCI consists of sub-projects. The main ones are:

golangci-api is the Golang server with REST API for golangci-web.

golangci-web is a frontend of It uses React, Redux, Typescript, Webpack.

golib is a small Golang HTTP framework. It's used in golangci-api.

golangci-worker is the queue worker. When user creates or updates GitHub pull request, golangci-api gets webhook event about it. Then it send this event to distributed queue. golangci-worker handles such queue events and runs code analysis.


21 May 2020Last Commit49 (11/yr)Github Stars32Issues

Genesis v2 is the first version of Genesis to fully support BOSH v2. It is primarily geared to deployments that make use of Cloud Config, and Runtime Config. The BOSH v2 CLI is also a requirement of Genesis v2.

Genesis v2 builds upon the previous generation of Genesis, eliminating the vast majority of YAML files all over the place, leading to confusion and questions like "Where do I put property X - properties.yml, networking.yml, or credentials.yml?"

It also supports the next generation of Genesis deployment templates - Kits. In the old genesis, deployment templates were pulled in once, forked from their upstream, and likely never reconciled. With kits, you can keep upgrading the kit, pulling in newer versions of your deployment to make life much easier down the road.


06 Nov 2014Last Commit35 (4/yr)Github Stars4Issues

shell command: If you do: drebs shell some_config you will end up at a shell with @drebs defined and you will be able to access @drebs.db, @drebs.config, & If you set to be an instance of TestCloud from the test suite you should be able to execute various functions without actually hitting AWS and so work from your dev box.

Due to the nature of drebs being designed to be run from an ec2 you will need to be on your ec2 instance to test many of the AWS interactions.

You should be able to verify data on a snapshot by creating an ebs volume from the snapshot, attaching the volume to your instance and then mounting its file system on some mount point - aws docs on using volumes


20 Jan 2016Last Commit22 (3/yr)Github Stars0Issues

This is a fork from

Code was not updated since early 2011, so I decided to fork it and commit bugfixes on it.

Source code was released under GNU GPL v2, so this repository will use the same license model.

Special thanks to Olivier Doucet to fork, bugfixs and provide the source here in github.

If you don't have a MySQL, install it.

Install PowerDNS and a mysql backend.

Create a database and user for PowerDNS.

Edit a PowerDNS conf to access a MySQL database.

Clone this repository or download this in your server.


31 Aug 2014Last Commit20 (3/yr)Github Stars0Issues

Libre Mailer is a modest and simple web based email marketing application. The entire app was made in only one weekend to prove a point, procrastinate from real work but most importantly stave off boredom. While it might have been knocked out over a weekend and thus a bit light on features it does work! It does send out email campaigns and produces statistics (open statistics, Link statistics, Bounce statistics) etc.

This was a weekend project for the fun of it. I'll fix any serious bugs if someone is ACTUALLY using this but I make no promises regarding any new features.


21 May 2020Last Commit1 (0/yr)Github Stars1Issues

EdMon helps you monitoring your server and services with real-time notifications. Just launch it from the command-line or with the included bash script, and you are good to go. Monitoring is based on ICMP and TCP.

config.json is the only configuration file you need to edit in order to make EdMon suits your needs.

The servername setting is required and should be filled with the name of the host where EdMon will run. It will be

The timeout setting is required and specify in seconds the timeout for ICMP (ping) monitoring. Default setting (1) can be used, but you may need to change this if you are getting false-positive.


No Repo
* ZooKeeper is a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming, providing distributed synchronization, and providing group services.


No Repo
* Lightweight queuing system.


No Repo
* Application, server, and network management platform based on Zope.


No Repo
* A versatile deduplicating backup tool.


No Repo
* Enterprise-class software for monitoring of networks and applications.


No Repo
* Lightweight authoritative Name Server with DNSSEC capabilities powering the .eu top-level domain.


No Repo
* Network monitoring inspired by Big Brother.


No Repo
* XtreemFS is a fault-tolerant distributed file system for all storage needs.


No Repo
* Turnkey virtualization platform based on CentOS distribution, using Xen and an extended toolstack/API.


No Repo
* Virtual machine monitor for 32/64 bit Intel / AMD and PowerPC 970 architectures.


No Repo
* Based on Citrix XenServer, XCP-ng is a fully open source virtualization platform.


No Repo
* X2Go is an open source remote desktop software for Linux that uses the NX technology protocol.


No Repo
* Software deployment, upgrade and removal program for Windows.


No Repo
* The world's foremost network protocol analyzer.


No Repo
* Very fast VPN based on elliptic curve and public key crypto. Linux only ; other clients in development.


No Repo
* libvirt-based Web interface for managing virtual machines.


No Repo
* Linux server control panel.


No Repo
* Network-wide installation, configuration and upgrades of Windows based software.
* An open source cross-platform extensible code editor from Microsoft


No Repo
* Hosting panel for Linux based on webmin.


No Repo
* Virtualization product from Oracle Corporation.


No Repo
* A highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient editing.


No Repo
* Hosting panel for Linux but with Nginx.


No Repo
* HTTP based web application accelerator focusing on optimizing caching and compression.


No Repo
* Tool for building complete development environments.


No Repo
* Another client-server backup system.


No Repo
* Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.


No Repo
* Simple dashboard for sensu.


No Repo
* Tsuru is an extensible Platform as a Service software.


No Repo
* Distributed p2p VPN.

tiger vnc

No Repo
* TigerVNC is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC , a client/server application that allows users to launch and interact with graphical applications on remote machines.
* Free email application that's easy to set up and customize.


No Repo
* Multibackend monitoring web interface with support for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken.
* Complete lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers. FOSS.


No Repo
* Terraform works with many cloud providers and creates infrastructure from code.


No Repo
* System statistic collection daemon written in Python for OpenTSDB


No Repo
* secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant, peer-to-peer distributed data store and distributed file system.


No Repo
* Capture system state and activity from a running Linux instance, then save, filter and analyze.


No Repo
* – Still developed predecessor to Claws Mail, lightweight mail client.


No Repo
* A highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store.


No Repo
* Client-server revision control system.


No Repo
* Complete IPsec implementation for Linux.


No Repo
* Staytus is a complete solution for publishing the latest information about any issues with your web applications, networks or services.


No Repo
* A modern status page for presenting critical service updates.


No Repo
* Status page for cloud services and APIs.


No Repo
* Event Driven Operations and ChatOps platform for infrastructure management. Written in Python.


No Repo
* Library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL DBS.


No Repo
* A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.


No Repo
* Multi-protocol software VPN with advanced features

snipe it

No Repo
* Asset & license management software.


No Repo
* – Snapshot backup with global multi-client deduplication and transparent compression.
* A private certificate authority and related tools for secure automated certificate management.


No Repo
* Another monitoring framework.


No Repo
* A distributed Blockdevice, Rest, QEMU and distributed Filesystem storage.


No Repo
* Control panel for Linux, BSD, and Windows based on ZPanel.


No Repo
* Monitoring framework.


No Repo
* – Active Directory and CIFS protocol implementation.


No Repo
* It's written in Python.


No Repo
* Simple orchestration tool.


No Repo
* Filesystem Snapshotting Utility.


No Repo
* Industry standard, high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data.


No Repo
* PHP task runner and deployment tool.


No Repo
* Flexible and fast events processor allowing complex events/metrics analysis.


No Repo
* Another fault-tolerant key-value NoSQL database.
* Available as free software under the MIT License.


No Repo
* Distributed document store database, focuses on JSON.


No Repo
* Secure, remote backup tool. Designed to be easy, fast, verifiable and efficient.


No Repo
* A Feature rich remote desktop application for linux and other unixes.


No Repo
* Networked, in-memory, key-value data store with optional durability.


24 May 2020Last Commit (/yr)Github StarsIssues
* An easy A remote incremental backup of all your files.


No Repo
* Another network device configuration management tool.


No Repo
* a command line program to sync files and directories to and from several cloud storage systems/providers.


No Repo
* Document based database with ACID/Transactional features.


No Repo
* Monitors network device's configuration and maintain history of changes.


No Repo
* Datacenter and server room asset management like document hardware assets, network addresses, space in racks, networks configuration.


No Repo
* Robust, fully featured, cross distro queuing system.


No Repo
* QEMU is a generic machine emulator and virtualizer.


No Repo
* Small web-based monitoring dashboard for linux.


No Repo
* It's written in Ruby and uses Puppet's declarative language or a Ruby DSL.

proxmox ve

No Repo
* Virtualization management solution.


No Repo
* Service monitoring system and time series database.


No Repo
* OpenVPN based solution. Easy to set up.


No Repo
* DNS server with a variety of data storage back-ends and load balancing features.


No Repo
* Friendly web-based DNS administration tool for PowerDNS server.


No Repo
* Object-relational database management system .
* Scalable PostgreSQL-based database cluster.


No Repo
* Simple management UI for Docker.


No Repo
* An identity and context aware access-proxy inspired by BeyondCorp.


No Repo
* A blackhole for Internet Advertisements with a gui for managing and monitoring


No Repo
* A customizable PHP script that displays information about your system nicely.


No Repo
* Newsletter manager written in PHP.


No Repo
* Open source IP address management with integration.
* Open source tool to monitor your servers and websites
* Code review tool build by facebook and used by WikiMedia, FB, dropbox etc. Comes with an integrated wiki, bug tracker, VC integration and a CLI tool called arcanist.
* Lightweight, distributed system performance and analysis framework.
* Enhanced, drop-in MySQL replacement.


No Repo
* Infrastructure definition, configuration and management via a Clojure DSL.


No Repo
* Full stack, cross distro packaging software .


No Repo
* Captures network traffic and displays it in a custom Kibana dashboard for easy viewing.


No Repo
* A tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.


No Repo
* Manages virtual machines, storage and virtual networks.


No Repo
* Deploy VMs across different cloud providers, and run commands and scripts across any or all of them in parallel via SSH.


No Repo
* Secure identity management solution providing REST based services for authentication and authorization.
* A Secure Distributed File System built for offline operation.


No Repo
* Hardware and software inventory, deployment, and patching for Linux and Windows.


No Repo
* Container-based virtualization for Linux.


No Repo
* Uses a custom security protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS for key exchange.


No Repo
* Store and server massive amounts of time series data without losing granularity.


No Repo
* Build private and public clouds.


No Repo
* PaaS product from Red Hat.


No Repo
* Builds open-source infrastructure management software and implements cloud systems.


No Repo
* Flexible enterprise cloud made simple.


No Repo
* Developed by the OpenLDAP Project.
* A Simple Identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0.


No Repo
* Another directory server written in Java.


No Repo
* Fork of OpenDS.


No Repo
* Distributed network file system with read-only replicas and multi-OS support.


No Repo
* The Open Monitoring Distribution.


No Repo
* Log Management Solution .


No Repo
* Cisco AnyConnect-compatible VPN server
* Enables users to inventory their IT assets.


No Repo
* SNMP monitoring for servers and networking devices. Runs on linux.

nylas mail

No Repo
* Extensible mail client.


No Repo
* A realtime distributed messaging platform.


No Repo
* Authoritative only, high performance, simple name server.


No Repo
* Reverse proxy, load balancer, HTTP cache, and web server.


No Repo
* Distributed, real-time, performance and health monitoring for systems and applications. Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, and MacOS.


No Repo
* Graph database.


No Repo
* Easy to use, customizable text editor.


No Repo
* Computer system, network and infrastructure monitoring software application.


No Repo
* Network monitoring tool based on the Nagios 4 core with performance enhancements and new features.


No Repo
* Small but very powerful text-based mail client.


No Repo
* Webserver-based repository of packages and package metadata, that allows macOS administrators to manage software installs.


No Repo
* Networked resource monitoring tool.


No Repo
* Network utility that combines traceroute and ping.


No Repo
* Fault tolerant, network distributed file system.


No Repo
* Small utility for managing and monitoring Unix systems.


No Repo
* Another document-oriented database system.


No Repo
* Application level, network distributed file system.


No Repo
* A Python tool used for intercepting, viewing and modifying network traffic. Invaluable in troubleshooting certain problems.


No Repo
* Really fast deployer and server automation tool .


No Repo
* A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor


No Repo
* Develop and run resource-efficient distributed systems.


No Repo
* Another distributed revision control.
* Ruby framework to manage server orchestration, developed by Puppet labs.


No Repo
* Community-developed fork of the MySQL.


No Repo
* – a container "hypervisor" and a better UX for LXC.


No Repo
* Userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features.


No Repo
* Parallel distributed file system, generally used for large-scale cluster computing.


No Repo
* Tool for managing events and logs.


No Repo
* A robot companion for your company's chat room.


No Repo
* Aims to provide an open source solution to Sublime Text


No Repo
* Web server more optimized for speed-critical environments.
* The next generation code editor.


No Repo
* Fully featured network monitoring system that provides a wealth of features and device support.


No Repo
* Libravatar is a service which delivers your avatar to other websites.


No Repo
* Unstructured object/data storage and a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent storage system.


No Repo
* Linux kernel virtualization infrastructure.


No Repo
* High performance authoritative-only DNS server.


No Repo
* Visualize logs and time-stamped data.


No Repo
* IDE by the people behind KDE.


No Repo
* Extremely high performance publish/subscribe message system.
* – Python script for downloading and silently installing MSI files.


No Repo
* Cloud orchestration tool which manages services as charms, YAML configuration and deployment script bundles.


No Repo
* Complete ITIL web based service management tool.


No Repo
* Hosting control panel for Linux.


No Repo
* Distributed time series database with no external dependencies.


No Repo
* Sign in with your domain name .


No Repo
* – Simple IMAP migration tool for copying mailboxes to other servers.


No Repo
* Nagios fork that has since lapped nagios several times. Comes with the possibility of clustered monitoring


No Repo
* Code editor awesomeness, built with common web languages.


No Repo
* IT Documentation and CMDB.


No Repo
* C++ based BigTable-like DBMS, communicates through Thrift and runs either as stand-alone or on distributed FS such as Hadoop.


No Repo
* A customizable, life embetterment robot.


No Repo
* HPCBIOS is an effort to setup a common, well-documented and reproducible, environment spanning across multiple HPC systems & sites, *inclusive* of documentation.


No Repo
* Stream processing system which may be used for log aggregation .


No Repo
* Prioritises security, simplicity and performance.
* Monitoring for cron jobs, background services and scheduled tasks.


No Repo
* Distributed, scalable, and portable file-system written in Java for the Hadoop framework.


No Repo
* Markdown editor with live preview.


No Repo
* Software based load Balancing, SSL offloading and performance optimization, compression, and general web routing.


No Repo
* – bootable Debian Live CD with powerful CLI tools.


No Repo
* Pluggable Log and Event Analysis Server with Alerting options.


No Repo
* Scalable graphing server.


No Repo
* A Graphite & InfluxDB Dashboard and Graph Editor.


No Repo
* Another build automation system.

gnu make

No Repo
* The most popular automation build tool for many purposes.

gnu emacs

No Repo
* An extensible, customizable text editor-and more.

gnu bazaar

No Repo
* Distributed revision control system sponsored by Canonical.


No Repo
* Scale-out network-attached storage file system.


No Repo
* Information Resource-Manager with an additional Administration Interface.

gitlab ci

No Repo
Gitlab's built-in, full-featured CI/CD solution. (


No Repo
* Distributed revision control and source code management with an emphasis on speed.


No Repo
* Based on the Git version control, it facilitates software developers to review modifications to the source code and approve or reject those changes.


24 May 2020Last Commit (/yr)Github StarsIssues


No Repo
* Fast multi-language queuing/job processing platform.


No Repo
* GTK2 text editor.


No Repo
* High performance, scalable RRD based monitoring for grids and/or clusters of servers. Compatible with Graphite using a single collection process.


No Repo
* Cluster virtual server management software tool built on top of KVM and Xen.


No Repo
* Galera Cluster for MySQL is an easy-to-use high-availability solution with high system up-time, no data loss, and scalability for future growth.
* Improve the Management of the services and the company directory based on OpenLDAP.


No Repo
* Easy to use panel for Linux with Nginx and PHP-FPM support.


No Repo
* High performance and highly configurable multi-protocol policy/authentication server, supporting RADIUS, DHCPv4 and VMPS.


No Repo
* Based on 389-DS. Includes Kerberos, DNS, as well as host based access control.


No Repo
* Distributed version control with built-in wiki and bug tracking.


No Repo
* Another computer cloning solution.


No Repo
* PaaS


No Repo
* Distributed log collection and aggregation system.


No Repo
* Log Collector and Shipper.


No Repo
* Monitoring notification routing & event processing system.


No Repo
* True universal database.


No Repo
* VPS Provisioning and Management Software.


No Repo
* Time series data visualization and graphing software written in Go.


No Repo
* Python library and cli tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks.
* A lightweight and simple dashboard monitor for Linux, available in Web and Bash application.


No Repo
* Open Source XML Database


No Repo
* Private cloud software with AWS compatibility.


No Repo
* a plugin based chatbot designed to be easily deployable, extensible and maintainable.
* Lmod is a Lua based module system that easily handles the MODULEPATH Hierarchical problem.
* Java based database, popular with log aggregation, and email archiving projects.


No Repo
* the world's most popular IRC bot, designed for flexibility and ease of use, and is freely distributable under the GNU GPL.


No Repo
* IDE written in Java with an extensible plug-in system.


No Repo
* EasyBuild builds software and modulefiles for High Performance Computing systems in an efficient way.


No Repo
* Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm.


No Repo
* Multiple backends, encryption, web-ui and multi-OS backup tool.


No Repo
* Distributed Replicated Block Device.


No Repo
* Manage your domains and other internet assets in a central location.


No Repo
* Platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications.
* Manage cluster of Docker Engines.
* Define and run multi-container Docker applications.


No Repo
* A lightweight service providing DNS, DHCP and TFTP services to small-scale networks.


No Repo
* Opinionated platform for seamlessly managing your DNS configuration across any number of DNS hosts, both in the cloud or in your own infrastructure.


No Repo
* A collection of DNS applications, including tinydns.


No Repo
* DNS REST API that support several DNS servers as its backend.


No Repo
* Ruby gem that allows for rapid statistical dashboard development. An all HTML5 approach allows for big screen displays in data centers or conference rooms.


No Repo
* Patch-based distributed version control


No Repo
* Mailing List Manager, written in Perl.
* The CC1 system provides a complete solution for Private Cloud Computing.


No Repo
* Ease of use, with multi-master replication document-oriented database system.


No Repo
* Flexible DNS server written on Go.


No Repo
* Provides the core functionality for centrally managing your KVM or Xen virtualized environment.


No Repo
* Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration.


No Repo
* At Tumblr, it's the infrastructure source of truth and knowledge.


No Repo
* High precision system performance metrics collecting tool.


No Repo
* System statistic collection daemon.


No Repo
* New multi-server web interface for Linux servers written in C.


No Repo
* Cobbler is a Linux installation server that allows for rapid setup of network installation environments.


No Repo
* Cloud computing software for creating, managing, and deploying infrastructure cloud services.


No Repo
* Flow-based orchestration tool for managing deployed applications, with Docker capabilities.


No Repo
* TOSCA-based cloud orchestration software platform written in Python and YAML.
* A Platform-as-a-Service suite to provide the orchestration services that make distributed apps a powerhouse of awesomeness.


No Repo
* Partition and disk imaging/cloning program.

claws mail

No Repo
* Old school email client , based on GTK+.


No Repo
* – Windows CLI package manager written in .NET/PS, based on .


No Repo
* Lightweight, high-performance web server/reverse proxy.


No Repo
* It's written in Ruby and Erlang and uses a pure-Ruby DSL.


No Repo
* Collection of extensions for Nagios.


No Repo
* Lightweight agent system. Configuration state is specified via a declarative language.


No Repo
* Distributed object store and file system.


No Repo
* Distributed DBMS designed to handle large amounts of data across many servers.


No Repo
* Deploy your application to any number of machines simultaneously, in sequence or as a rolling set via SSH .


No Repo
* A set of open source formats, protocols, and software for modeling, storing, searching, sharing and synchronizing data.


No Repo
* Lightweight, general-purpose web server supporting HTTP/2, automatic TLS and easy configuration. Written in Go.


No Repo
* Web-based network monitoring and graphing tool.


No Repo
* Status page system written in PHP.


No Repo
* Monitoring and alerts, similar to PagerDuty.


No Repo
* Network backup and restore program.


No Repo
* Code editor for web designers and front-end developers.


No Repo
* A personal SSL Key / Certificate Authority web-based tool for creating self-signed certificates.


No Repo
* IaaS orchestration platform originally written for deploying and managing Cloud Foundry PaaS, but also useful for general purpose distributed systems.


No Repo
* A Do-it-Yourself monitoring framework built to gather metrics, mine data and report on the systems in your network.


No Repo
* Bloonix is a monitoring solution that helps businesses to ensure high availability and performance.


No Repo
* The most widely used name server software.


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* A simple, fast work queue.


No Repo
* Google's build system.


No Repo
* Backup and Recovery Manager for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers.


No Repo
* A fork of Bacula backup tool.


No Repo
* BackupPC is a high-performance system for backing up to disk.
* Lightweight, extensible meta-backup system.

atomia dns

No Repo
* DNS management system.


No Repo
* A hackable text editor from Github.


No Repo
* XMPP based virtualization management platform.


No Repo
* Most popular web server.
* Build automation tool mainly for Java.
* Hadoop database, a distributed, big data store.
* Apache Software Foundation project written in Java.

apache ant

No Repo
* Automation build tool, similar to make, written in Java.


No Repo
* It's written in Python and manages the nodes over SSH.


No Repo
* Client-server model backup tool.


No Repo
* Web/application server that supports Lua, live-reload, templates, Sass and HTTP/2.


No Repo
* Control panel for Linux and BSD.


No Repo
* Java message broker.
* Developed by Red Hat.